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Advice: The magic of good deeds

We enjoy many fun events and things in life, like birthdays, weddings, new clothes for Eid, and the celebrations on August 14th, among many others. But have you ever thought about the people who can’t celebrate any occasion because they can’t afford food or clothes? For once, have we ever considered them while celebrating?
Probably not, right? We tend to think only about ourselves. It is something that we all do. We don’t know what these people are going through. Lately, I have been thinking about so many unfortunate people who are present around us, but we hardly pay attention to them.
So today, I will tell you about helping others, the impact it has, and how easily you can help someone in need.
Help others
First, we should be thankful for having a decent home, family, clothes to wear, delicious food and endless love from our family members. Second, we should make a promise to ourselves to help others.
How? One simple way is to make a small savings box to save money for those in need. Every Ramazan, I put all the money I get and save it for those who need it. Even though I only save around 400 to 500 rupees, at least I’m helping.
In my school, I’m a council member and part of the Social Work Club, where we help raise money for donations. My father owns a hospital, where he provides free treatment, medicine, check-ups, food, clothes and blankets to the sick or needy people. My mother, brother and I donate shoes, clothes, bags, toys and blankets to families in need.
See? A little help from each member of the family goes a long way. Helping those in need should be our first responsibility.
How to help: Help your maid while she’s working.
Make your parents’ or grandparents’ bed when they wake up.
Share your water or lunch at school with those who don’t have any.
Donate clothes to people who need them.
If your house maid has kids, try to teach them; even if they go to school, they can improve with your guidance.
Show kindness
Be kind to younger people, your elders and your peers. Don’t call anyone ugly or bully them about anything in their personality. Don’t make fun of their race, appearance or body. The most common issue in schools, colleges and universities is bullying, which is a serious problem that needs to be fixed! Everyone has feelings, so please stop bullying.
Be kind to everyone, you never know what others are going through.
I’m not just saying that you should change if you bully others; I’m also asking that if you see someone bullying someone else, stop them. Help the person being bullied, and show concern so that they don’t feel alone.
Don’t forget to pray
A common issue with the youth today is that many of us don’t pray regularly. Sometimes we forget, sometimes we’re lazy, and sometimes we just don’t want to get out of bed.
I can assure you that this is a big issue. I didn’t always have the habit of saying all my prayers, I used to pray only three times a day and skip the rest due to laziness. But remember, Allah has made it obligatory on us to pray, so we must not be negligent in this. Life is a test, and if you want good results, you have to work hard for it.
Care for Mother Earth
Another good deed is keeping the Earth green and clean. Plant trees and pick up the garbage we see around us. Trees don’t just give us paper, furniture, timber or medicines, they also give us oxygen, which we need to breathe!
Don’t just plant trees — plant flowers, herbs and fruits too, to make our planet more beautiful. Cutting down trees also destroys the homes of animals, which can ultimately lead to their extinction. So, let’s plant trees and protect nature. Deforestation also causes soil erosion and disrupts the water cycle. Why not take a trip to the nursery and start planting?
So my friends, we can all become better people and set an example for future generations. Learn to help those in need, save the environment and appreciate the people who help us succeed in life — our family, teachers and people who work at our houses. Be thankful that your parents work hard so you can study, get a degree and live a happy life.
Published in Dawn, Young World, September 28th, 2024
